Hosted Exchange
Cloud-based Microsoft Exchange business email from the world's largest independent provider.
  • 99.999% uptime guarantee
  • Unlimited email storage
  • Facilitates compliance with HIPAA and other regulations
  • Lower TCO as compared to on-premises Exchange
  • 24/7 support + free migration performed by our experts

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See why TrueCar chooses Hosted Exchange

Hosted Exchange

Key features of Hosted Exchange

Unlimited storage

Users never have to worry about inbox size • Admins don't have to choose between overpaying and underprovisioning



Our enterprise-class security and stringent privacy controls help you address regulations like HIPAA, FINRA and others.


99.999% financially backed SLA

Our service level agreement guarantees less than 30 seconds of monthly unplanned downtime.


Cloud Concierge™ Onboarding

Our in-house experts will move your data to our cloud with no downtime—free.


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    There's a new standard for business email

    This old standard doesn't support the way business is done today. To meet users’ basic requirements, businesses these days require 24/7 email uptime, complete mobile freedom, a half-dozen adjacent technologies, and protection against unprecedented levels of threat.

    This is why email is moving to the cloud: a cloud email provider can offer far more functionality, reliability and protection than you could affordably deliver on-premises.

    But not all clouds are created equal. Office 365 is the best example: while it does address the shortcomings of the old on-premises server and meets the needs of the most cost-sensitive businesses, it doesn't address the requirements of the New Standard.

    Here's what you need to meet The New Standard..

    "We turned to Intermedia [in 2008] to outsource our email. The number-one issue for us is reliability. It's an absolutely mission-critical tool... and thus far in our relationships, reliability has never been an issue."


    - Mike Guthrie, CFO, TrueCar

    Read the case study  More ShareSync stories



    A Worry-Free Experience™ for Hosted Exchange



    Your data is private and protected in our secure, SOC 2-audited cloud.



    Every Content Creations service offers a 99.999% uptime Service Level Agreement.



    If you have questions, we're here to answer them 24/7.



    Content Creations services help you maintain regulatory compliance.



    Our Cloud Concierge™ experts help you move into the cloud with no data loss.

    Top Hosted Exchange resources


    Hosted Exchange + Office in the Cloud Pricing

    As the foundation of Intermedia’s Office in the Cloud, Hosted Exchange can be bundled with up to 30 other Intermedia services.


    Hosted Exchange Add-ons



    Speak with one of our experts about your cloud needs

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